Thursday, February 27, 2014

Calming the Savage Beast - Some Thoughts on Anxious Thoughts

Calming the Savage Beast
      Do you ever feel guilty for complaining or worrying about something? Today I’m anxious about a couple of things. I’m trying to patiently wait to hear about 2 different job interviews.  In the grand scheme of things, employment can be a big ticket item. After all, it is necessary for most people to be employed in order to provide for themselves and their families.  So I feel at least a little justified for the worry. 

      But then I hear about other people’s troubles: young mothers facing serious health problems, families mourning the loss of dear ones, heads of households staring layoffs and unemployment in the face. Suddenly, my problems seem so much smaller. While I want to change jobs, and I even feel called by God to change jobs, I am currently employed.  I don’t lack for anything, my family is healthy for the most part. Now I feel anxious about feeling anxious and the fun really starts. 

     Lately, when I feel anxious and nothing else seems to calm my spirit, I grab my guitar and sing. Music has always calmed the savage beast that rages inside me in these anxious moments. But some places are harder to sing my heart out in than others. I’m not sure my cube-mates at work would appreciate it. Or maybe it would make for a less stressed workplace all around. At work, I put my headphones on, queue up a Youtube video of one of my favorite songs and try to keep myself from singing along. Not the same as singing myself, but as they say “it’ll do in a pinch.”

     Here's one of my favorites: Heather Berry singing "God on the Mountain" (click on the title to follow the link)

     How do you calm the savage beast of anxious thoughts?  Bible verses? Exercise? It never hurts to have a trunk full of options when facing anxious thoughts, without the proper preparation even the the strongest person can be overcome.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Progress is the Word

"Not that I have already obtained it or have already become perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:12-14

I hadn't really thought about choosing a "word" for 2014. Due to a lack of success, or perhaps to my continual failure to follow through with any and all resolutions or words in the past, I have chosen to abstain from such practices. But this year a "smart" comment on a friend's Facebook status got me thinking, always a dangerous thing.

Progress is the word (cue the Grease theme; 'Grease is the word, is the word, is the word'). As I thought about this word, I realized it not only would help me grow but also helps me gain strength by looking back.

  • Forward Steps not Goals Met: Webster's defines progress as "the process of improving or developing something over a period of time." Progress by definition is not about the finished product, it's about the movement through the process. I'm in a serious battle to become healthier this year. I'm setting my goals not in pounds lost but in changes made. A day without soda is progress whether the scale changes or not. 
  • See How far I've Come: My life has been through lots of changes over the past 7 years, in many ways I am still recovering from the trauma of my divorce and the subsequent years of feeling overwhelmed. This year I'm happily married (1 year on 12/22/13), my kids are healthy and maturing and life feels normal. This is progress. Looking back to the time right after the divorce, I never thought I'd feel normal again.  So this year I celebrate the progress in healing and growth.
  • Not interested in Perfection: My desire to succeed and the requirement to be perfect has derailed many of my goals and resolutions in the past. It's not that I never had the best intentions but often I set the bar too high. Follow through has always been the tough part. Progress isn't about being perfect, it's about moving forward. Even the smallest step forward is progress.
The Grand Canyon is a testament to the progress made by a river over a long period of time. A focused effort even if it is small will lead to great things. Progress made should never be taken lightly. And now so I know the earworm is firmly established in your ear, Progress is the word, is the word, it's got groove it's got meaning. . .