Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Every Morning

Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.  Lamentations 3:22,23

 God's grace in my life is truly amazing. I am humbled by His absolute provision for me and my children. Even in the midst of the darkest times, I can see God's hand providing new mercies for me all the time. Sometimes, I have to look really hard and often it is not the mercy I was hoping for. But grace is grace, a gift of unmerited favor, no matter what if not exactly to my choice.

Allow me to share some of the recent mercies in my own life:

  •  I rode my first roller coaster in over 20 years with my 16 year old son. God's grace - not only did I survive the ride in the very front of the car (my son's choice) but I had a blast. And made a memory with my son which included my unending screams and a slipped curse or two (Guess I received some forgiveness, too). 
  • After over a year break, I have been able to walk again around the track at work. My ankles would hurt when I walked even physical therapy had done little to take away the pain. God's grace - pain free walking 3 times a week for a half hour on my lunch break. A special mercy since I thought I would never walk like that again.
  • My 11 year old climbing on my bed at midnight when neither of us could sleep (not a mercy) and sharing with me her recent music downloads. God's grace - the sharing of my daughter's passion without any arm twisting. As a parent of teenagers I know not to take these moments for granted.
  • Consistent and restful sleep is a blessing and very healing to our bodies. With a recent diagnosis of severe sleep apnea every time I string together 4 good hours of sleep I know it is God's providential care. God's grace - dreams; I don't get REM sleep often so when I dream and remember them the next morning, I rejoice.
God's wonderful, amazing, un-matching grace is truly new every morning. I recently wrote the following in my journal:
God's grace keeps us on our toes because it's new every morning. Wake up and wonder what new grace today will bring!

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